Interested in learning more about Guinness or have a burning question you’d like answered? Check out a selection of the most asked, Guinness related questions below… there’s quite a few!

Our Beers
Our key ingredients – other than inspiration – are roasted barley, malted barley, hops, yeast and water.
Glad you asked. The widget is a plastic moulded device that sits on the top of the contents of each can of Guinness Draught. When the can is opened, a small amount of beer and nitrogen, trapped in the widget, is forced out through the beer, which creates the famous surge and creamy head that you find on a pint of Guinness Draught served in a pub. The nitrogen filled ball gives Guinness Draught in cans the taste and texture of a pub-poured pint at home.
Look closely. Guinness Draught beer is not actually black but rather dark ruby red because of the way the ingredients are prepared. Some raw barley is roasted, in a similar way to coffee beans, which is what gives Guinness Draught its distinctive colour.
The creamy white head is created from the 'initiation' and 'surging' of bubbles of nitrogen and carbon dioxide gas as the beer is poured. It's actually the nitrogen that causes the tight white creamy head.
Yes, our new state-of-the-art filtration process has removed the use of isinglass as a means of filtration and therefore made the ingredients in Guinness Draught, Guinness Extra Stout and Guinness Foreign Extra Stout suitable for vegans.
The alcohol percentage of Guinness varies depending on the product. See below for a breakdown of each beer’s ABV, from highest to lowest.
Guinness Special Export – 8% alcohol by volume (ABV)
Guinness Foreign Extra Stout – 7.5% alcohol by volume (ABV)
West Indies Porter - 6% alcohol by volume (ABV)
Guinness Baltimore Blonde – 5% alcohol by volume (ABV)
Guinness Smooth – 4.5% alcohol by volume (ABV)
Guinness Draught - 4.2% alcohol by volume (ABV)
Guinness Original / Guinness Extra Stout - 4.2% alcohol by volume (ABV)
Guinness Hop House 13 Lager - 4.1% alcohol by volume (ABV)
Guinness Nitro Cold Brew Coffee – 4% alcohol by volume (ABV)
Guinness 0.0 – 0% alcohol by volume (ABV)
The calorie count in Guinness is different for each beer, and is also based on the serving size (i.e. a pint, or can). See below for the number of calories per liquid volume, from highest to lowest.
Guinness Foreign Extra Stout – 64kcal per 100ml
Guinness Special Export – 62kcal per 100ml
Guinness Smooth - 57kcal per 100ml
West Indies Porter - 53 kcal per 100ml
Guinness Blonde American Lager / Guinness Baltimore Blonde Lager – 43kcal per 100ml
Guinness Draught - 35kcal per 100ml
Guinness Hop House 13 Lager – 35kcal per 100ml
Guinness Original / Guinness Extra Stout - 35kcal per 100ml
Guinness Nitro Cold Brew Coffee – 31kcal per 100mls
Guinness 0.0 - 17kcal per 100ml
Yes, Guinness is the world’s most popular stout. A stout is a category of beer which is best known for its rich dark colour and distinctive creamy head.
At Guinness, quality is at the heart of what we do, and we know that the best Guinness is the freshest Guinness. For this reason, we have dedicated Guinness Quality teams who work closely with our licensed partners around the world, doing rigorous checks with utmost care and individual attention. They guarantee that people can expect a pint of Guinness to be beautiful and fresh, whenever and wherever they choose to enjoy it.
If enjoying Guinness at home the liquid stays fresh for up to 10 months after the production date printed on the base of the can.
Guinness is created using four key ingredients – roasted barley, malted barley, hops, yeast and water and doesn’t contain caffeine.
Guinness is created using four key ingredients – roasted barley, malted barley, hops, yeast and water making Guinness dairy-free.
In the pub or bar the perfect pint of Guinness Draught is served using our famous 'two-part' pour. First, start with a clean, dry glass. Pour the Guinness Draught into a glass tilted at 45 degrees, until it is three-quarters full. Allow the surge to settle before filling the glass completely to the top. Your perfect pint, complete with its creamy white head, just domed proud of the glass rim, is then ready to drink.
At home, you should let the can chill for at least 24 hours before pouring the contents of the can into a large glass in one smooth action.
Start by ensuring that your bottle is perfectly chilled, we would recommend refrigerating it at 8 degrees Celsius for at least 24 hours before you serve. Check that you have the correct, clean glassware before you crack the cap. Tilt the glass and the bottle towards each other, starting both at an angle of 45 degrees. Pour slowly in one single go, the bottle shouldn’t touch the glass at any stage. As you reach the end of the bottle, the head comes just over the top to create a beautiful tanned head. Your perfect Guinness is now ready to drink.
Guinness beer is available in well over 100 countries worldwide and is brewed in over 40. Some of the biggest-selling markets for Guinness Draught include Great Britain, Ireland, Nigeria, US and Cameroon.
Over 10 million glasses of Guinness stout are enjoyed every single day around the world, and 1,883,200,000 pints are sold every year – that's 1.8 billion, to put it another way.
Easy. The Guinness Storehouse would love to welcome you to its home at St. James's Gate. The Guinness Storehouse is a seven-storey tribute to the black stuff – a unique visitor centre opened in 2000 in the heart of the brewery. There you can learn all about our history, brewing process, advertising and more. And then enjoy a perfectly-served pint of Guinness stout while enjoying one of Dublin's best views.